Saturday, March 26, 2011

Model spoils wagons and container wagon

Hi all
 I have recently been trying to create a Railcorp spoils train.
The NDNF is a modified Silvermaz BD open wagon which has had
the sides lowered and altered.
The NDCF is a modified a GP ope wagon with the sides lowered and new ends made.
The NDCH is scratch built they still need more work but there moving along nicely.
 I am also working on a couple of NDBF spoil wagons to go with these ones.
And last but not least a CQFY container flat this scratch built still needs code boards
and some more brake detail.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pacific National cement wagons

NPRF 82042T


NPRY 12081Y

The end of NPRY 12081Y

A rake of NPRY cement hoppers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

70 class diesel

Hi all
 This would have to be my longest modelling project.
It is an Ian Lindsay 70 class i got second hand. It was missing a few
bits and pieces but was cheap . It has taken about 8 years to get it this far with
7 of those years trying to get a set of Romford wheels. I don't have 
many locos in the reverse livery so i decided to make it 7006 the only 70
class to wear that livery. It still has a long way to go but it
is taking shape very very slowly.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hunter coal hoppers pt2

QHAH 52430T

QHBH 55261N

QHBH 55555Q