Thursday, May 26, 2011

NHTH coal hoppers

NHTH 35430M
NHTH 35445T
NHTH 35597P
A and B end detail

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Container wagons pt2

CQMY 3088X

AQCY 30313X

RRKY 2043F

QQAY 47802Y

Saturday, May 14, 2011

626/726 Finished (almost)

Hi all
626/726 Finished (almost) lol
Just got to put the flush glaze in and sort the toilet window out.

The DJH 20 class is coming along very well  but just not sure
what to number it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

New projects

Hi all
With the 620/720 nearly completed (I'm just trying to work
out the placement of a few decals) i decided to finish off some old
unfinished projects.I have a real bad habit of starting them but not
finishing them.So i had a rummage in the back of the cupboard i found a
DJH 20 class and a white metal HCX.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Railcorp wagons

NDYF 2628K

NDXF 2484E

NDHF 2427F

NDGF 2465Q

Monday, May 2, 2011


Hi all
 I have almost finish a IDR railway castings RKQF
A very nice kit with crisp and clean castings just need to
put some reflective decals on then it is finished.
Plus a photo of a real one taken at Sandgate.