Monday, October 24, 2011

AndIan Models LWW Well Wagon pt2

Hi all
I have just finished my well wagon and what a great kit
my hat goes off to the team at AndIan models i'm really
looking forward to there next release.

I'm not to sure
what happened to the decals on my well wagon if anyone
does can they let me know it has happened before to me
but is rare. I paint with hi gloss quiet often Raileys paint i
gloss coat the decal to seal but sometimes you can still
see the decal film and it just looks crap any help would
really be appreciated.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Silverton C class

Hi all
 Finally got some Raileys Siverton blue paint so i was able to continue
with an old project of mine. This project was started a few years back
with a left over Austrains V-line C class body that was no use to me
any more. So with a little bit (more like alot) of artistic license i removed
the engine access doors put in a urethane engine i got off Ebay a few
years ago and some Raileys Siverton paint some Mains west decals.
I put on some transfer bogies just to make a little more interesting and
not to waste some C class towers. Just a bit of tidying up and some
handrails then all done.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Steam crane 1080

Hi all
 Inspired by the recent article in the A.M.R.M i decided to have a go
at building steam crane 1080 using the Tichy crane as a starting point.
The article in the A.M.R.M by Andrew Lee was a great help with
plenty of good photos. I decided to do a earlier version in black with a
half yellow jib and a four wheeled jib truck as seen in Byways of steam 13.
Still a bit of work to go but it's getting there.