Sunday, December 30, 2012

NGGF sugar wagons

                                          NGGF 35701P
                                          NGGF 35703K
                                          NGGF 35722R
                                             view of walkways

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hi All
 I hope you all received great gifts and ate like a king this Christmas .
I knew i had a few days off coming up between Christmas and new year
so i thought a nice project was in order so i got a five pack of BGB AKFX.
The plan was to do them up as RKFX and make my steel train five wagons longer.
After waiting an eternity for them to be delivered i got stuck in and started to build
one up............only to be horrified upon opening the packages. I have been building
kits for quiet some time and i have never ever seen so many F@#KING air bubbles
in all my years modelling and the castings are so thick the wagon sides are 87 times
thicker than the prototype.
Plan B
I decided to have a go at scratch building a RCAF
 Was a nice little build using the NODY plan from the AMRM for the basic dimensions 
and underfloor arrangements it has got AR kits 2CM bogies and Auscision cradles needs
 a little more work but almost done and will lead into a couple more and some RKLY wagons.
Another project I've been working on is a AR kits 45cl 
As with most of my models i was inspired by a pic (In Australian Railway History April
2010 page 139) of a 45cl with a backwards L7 and just had to model it
Till next time
Mathew Hughes

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas

I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy safe new year.

Mathew Hughes

Sunday, December 16, 2012

RQTY dress up

Hi all
 I finally got around to dressing up my RQTY container wagons from
Rail Modeller Australia.
Original pics here

and a link to the shop where i got them

I decided to add some steps,brake wheels and grimy them up a little.

Now my steel train is a little bit longer and there is a few more additions to come
Till next time
Mathew Hughes

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Modelling update

Hi All
 I've been trying to jazz up my Austrians bicentennial 80 cl
with a new staff exchanger pockets,pilots and brass horns.
My IDR RKPF are just about done just some more weathering to finish them
RKPF30317M with a yellow sill
RKPF30309W with stowage boxes removed
And last but least a Rails North BPV
I would like to say a big thank you to Al Cutmore for the
BPV decals and general info on the wagon

Till next time
Mathew Hughes

Monday, December 3, 2012