Today I went for an hour and a half trip to Muswellbrook to find the
RTL and ballast hoppers that I had seen on Wagonfreaks blog.
1 Western Star truck, add highrail/railway wheels and you have an RTL. This truck was once owned by V/Line and Freight Australia and now owned by Just Tracks. I don't know too much about this oddities history except it was used on log trains under its Freight Australia years and the horns on the bonnet seem to be a new addition. |
Former VR VZMA 67V now in Just Tracks green in Muswellbrook |
Former VR VZMA ballast hopper now coded OHBA93R Of note is the chain over the wagon body attached to the bogies |
Till next time
Mathew Hughes
Very nice Matt. Good to see you made the trip to get some photos. Well done!